Saturday, July 4, 2015

Ladies you are the most beautiful beings on this earth and we worship the ground you walk on, especially when it’s our backs serving as the ground but hey that a horse of a different color.

As I said you are beautiful but sometimes a few of you can do things that slams the door on the start of relationship real quick.

You want to know what some of them are? Well I’m going to let you in on five things that can turn a man off. Ready?

  1. A foul mouth. There is nothing attractive about a woman that cusses like one of the guys on a construction site.
  2. Can’t hold your liquor. This ranks right up there with having a foul mouth they usually go hand in hand.
  3. A drunken woman that literally can’t hold her liquor. There is nothing sexy about having to make sure you hold your head out of the car window so you don’t throw up in our car.
  4. Too Much Make-up. We like to know that we will be with the same person in the morning that stayed over the night before.
  5. Unappreciation and constant complaining. The waiter is too slow, the drink don’t taste right etc. This is a sure fire way to not get a call for a second date.

This is just a few of the things just off the top of my head. Imagine what I might come up with if I really sat down to think about it.
I hope you don’t take too much offense to these five things I’ve listed but if you do I guess that puts you at number five. Just joking.

My wish is to open up better communication and understanding. Really thats all.
Now go forth and relate.

Written By: Larry D. Miller

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